logo sirpelli
Via Sempione, 70
20028 - San Vittore Olona (MI)

Our Story

Where it all began

It’s 1948 when Piero Daverio starts his business in the world of leather. The positive results, passion for this
sector and desire to grow led him to found Europelli, a company dedicated to marketing these products.

Founded in 1974, the company began to develop a deep and trusting relationship with both customers and
suppliers and build a reputation still recognized today, forging ties with some of the most important European

A new identity

In 1980 Massimo Daverio, Piero's son, took an important step forward to complete Europelli’s service and
created Sirpelli, an agency representing tanneries. The purpose of the new born company was to act as a point
of contact between leather manufacturers and companies producing clothing, footwear and accessories.

From the very beginning, the company could counts on the expertise developed by Europelli in the leather
sector and the network of tanneries that the company had been working with for a long time.

Sirpelli, today

After over 40 years, supported by his children Chiara, Francesco and Filippo and by all of us at Sirpelli,
Massimo carries forward the business, offering quality products obtained from the best raw materials: items
sought after both by big fashion brands and by smaller companies selling artisan production.

Our mission

As a representatives of the tanneries, we are constantly looking for the best leathers. We carefully select the
tanneries with which we collaborate, evaluating the quality of the products, the production times and the
properties of the raw materials used for tanning, with an eye towards sustainability and without ever
forgetting tradition and uniqueness.

Our method

Our work here at Sirpelli is always performed with great attention to detail. The expertise deriving from over
30 years of running the business and our the highly professional collaborators, all with consolidated
experience in the sector, allow us to better understand the needs and feelings of the customer and to present
them with the most suitable items.

At the same time, we work with our tanning partners communicating the customer’s needs, supporting them
in managing clients and working in harmony both marketing existing products and developing new projects.