logo sirpelli
Via Sempione, 70
20028 - San Vittore Olona (MI)

Our partners

For us at Sirpelli, building a direct relationship with our partner tanneries is fundamental and for this reason,
we verify that every part of the production chain meets a series of requirements: from the properties of the
raw material to its traceability, from the leather processing methods to the result of the final product.

These checks takes place during our periodic visits to the companies, when we also observe the status of the
operation and the quality of the items being made.

The aim is to ensure compliance with the requests and
timing indicated by the companies producing clothes, shoes, accessories and leather goods that are our

Quality all round

For us, the pursuit of quality is essential and we believe that it can be expressed through a series of elements
that we consider as its ‘synonyms’: tradition, history, use of precious raw materials, traceability of the
materials, product uniqueness, processing methods, eye for innovation and care for sustainability.

Each tannery we represent can identify with one or more of these characteristics that reflect both the image of
their products and of our offer.